Monday, April 5, 2010

How do you prefer your zombies?

After viewing the Norwegian Zombie horror/black comedy film "Dead Snow" last night, I got into a conversation with my pal and fellow bassist Rudy about what makes a great zombie movie. I personally thought Dead Snow was entertaining, campy, and fun (exactly what I expected) whereas he felt it was mediocre compared to his standard of flesh eating greatness, "Dawn of the Dead".



Which begs the question - Should zombie movies focus first and foremost on the horror? Or have they become so mainstream in our culture that it is no longer possible to make the undead truly frightening without at least coming off as a bit campy (intentional or unintentional)? Recent examples of non-traditional zombie movies include cult hits Shaun of the Dead, Fido, and Zombieland, all of which have been praised for their originality and humor.

What's your take? Are you still able to get scared by zombies or horror movies in general, or are you desensitized to the point where you watch them for the humor and innovative kills? 

I am personally on the side of presenting zombies in more unique ways, rather than sticking with tradition. Now, I will argue that I thought 28 Days Later was a genuinely creepy film, but if you get technical, those aren't actually zombies! They're just "infected" people. So remember, we're talkin' about zombies here!

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